Title: Senior Safety Specialist (3 months)
Harley Finogle, a Senior Safety Specialist, has been with Fenner for just 3 months, but he comes with an intriguing background that exemplifies the high-caliber talent germane to the organization. He applies that experience in his role to ensure everyone leaves work the same way they arrive, keeping them safe and secure while on the job. Working with colleagues to solve specific safety concerns and improve safety measures throughout the workplace is something he sees as the best part of his day.
Harley spent 13 years in the US Navy as an Aviation Support Equipment Technician. His main job was maintaining ground support equipment used to service aircraft. He was stationed in New Orleans and was part of the security team for the base. Harley was later stationed in Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia at an F-18 adversary squadron where he painted the aircraft and supervised the personnel who took care of fueling and preparing the aircraft for flight. In describing this duty station, he likes to say "We played the 'bad guys' in the real-life Top Gun school."
He left NAS Oceana and went to Andrews Air Force Base, where Air Force One is based. It was there that Harley started his safety career as the Site Safety Representative for his command, which had about 250-300 people. Harley's military background helps him tremendously in his current role as Senior Safety Specialist at Fenner. He knows how to work collaboratively with a team and understands the importance of safety.
Harley is a family man with two daughters who are 19 and 23. They all love to travel, both in their camper and on cruises to other countries. When he's not spending time with his family, Harley enjoys coaching softball with his youngest daughter, who is the head coach for the local Little League. In addition, he likes to work on vehicles, go hunting, attend concerts, and root for the Hershey Bears, Eagles, and Phillies.