Title: Sales Manager, China (7 years)
Joe Zhou, known as Zhou Shunan in his home country, skillfully manages the Fenner sales department in mainland China and Hong Kong. His role extends beyond this region, offering his expertise to Precision and Technical Textile customers throughout East and South-East Asia. With an impressive tenure of seven years, Joe plays an integral role as part of Fenner's team, handling sales, marketing, service, and technical support.
Joe's most cherished memories at Fenner revolve around the personal interactions he had at the 2020 sales kick-off meeting in the USA and the 2019 international sales meeting in Yorkshire, UK. These events gave him the opportunity to connect with the extended Fenner family, a rare treat considering the geographical distance. His passion for his work is evident in his dedication to making Fenner a well-recognized and appreciated brand among customers.
Away from the corporate world, Joe leads a fulfilling personal life. He is a loving husband and a proud father to an eight-year-old boy. His interests are diverse, from being a huge sneaker aficionado and collector to a car enthusiast who enjoys the thrill of the racetrack. He is also a connoisseur of craft beer and gourmet coffee, frequently seeking out local establishments when traveling. His sense of community and willingness to help others shone through during the 2022 COVID lockdown in Shanghai, where he volunteered to assist the elderly and handicapped in his community. This experience not only brought him closer to his neighbors but also helped him maintain his fitness.