Title: Production Manager
Balance and Harmony. Two words that describe Roberto Zamboni’s approach to work and life. As MAV’s production manager, Roberto balances his time between managerial and operational responsibilities that tap into his experience of nearly 30 years working with CNC machinery.
For the past five years that experience has been instrumental in managing the production planning process that he guides on a daily basis. It’s work with multiple touchpoints including overseeing customer orders, setting delivery dates, generating production orders, and the acquisition of raw materials.
The other part of Roberto’s day is much more hands-on. His attention turns to the workshop, where he monitors the production process, ensuring that everything runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible, with safety as a top priority. Maintenance of CNC machinery is also part of that hands-on responsibility given his years of experience with the equipment. It is not at all unusual for Roberto to personally handle the repairs alone either—something that is occasionally necessary in order to avoid a plant shutdown. When time comes to select and purchase new machinery, he also participates in the decision process with management.
Like many who work at MAV, what Roberto enjoys most is having a front row seat to the entire creative process. It is that sense of pride in workmanship that comes from seeing a product realized from the initial concept and design stage through the final produced piece that is packed and shipped to a customer—a MAV designed solution enroute to a challenge. Robert also knows it is a solution that could only result from the harmony of a finely tuned team. It’s that collaborative spirit and the results it yields that he appreciates most when facing their bigger challenges.
To fuel his creativity and regenerate Roberto heads for the outdoors in his free time. There he enjoys operating his family farming company, and spending time in his vineyards and orchards. It’s relaxing time when he tends the grapes, plants potatoes and picks apples. It’s a rejuvenating passion that he loves, along with woodworking, craft making and trekking/hiking on the mountains of the Dolomites. They are each a pastime that offers the perfect balance to each workday.