Title: Materials Engineer (23 years)
In celebrating National Engineers Week, we’d like to highlight one of our own, Simone Zambanini.
Simone’s passion for learning and solving problems began early in life. His curious nature led him to pursue an advanced degree in engineering. Eventually he brought his skills, training, and inquisitive mind to MAV, a Fenner Precision Polymers – Michelin Group company, where he has served for the last 23 years as one of the company's application engineers.
Simone recognizes that a curious mind can spark innovation, but focused attention to detail is what gets it over the finish line. His role in designing keyless locking devices (KLDs) certainly requires both. For him, the design process always starts with a quest to solve a customer challenge and a deep analysis of their technical requirements to arrive at a solution. Accuracy and attention are also a huge part of Simone’s work in creating part numbers, manufacturing drawings, material specs, installation instructions, and his management and release of all applicable technical documents.
What Simone most enjoys about his work is navigating the journey from challenge to quality solution, that is both proven and approved. With his natural ability to ask the right questions and his vast technical knowledge, Simone's worldwide customers feel appreciated and supported by Fenner's expertise.
Outside of work, Simone loves to travel, learn about cultures other than his own, and take part in outdoor activities. He believes that experiencing different cultures and ways of life is essential to personal growth and professional growth. His love for travel has also given him an additional perspective on the companies he designs for, by understanding the cultural nuances that must be taken into account for different markets.
The 2024 theme for National Engineers Week is “Welcome to the Further” and celebrates today’s achievements, which pave the way for a brighter future. We look forward to seeing where engineers like Simone take us tomorrow and the years to come.