Title: Director of Operations
Degree: Chemical and Bio-Chemical Engineering
As a Director of Operations with over 26 direct reports in operations and staff positions, it’s important to Vincent (Vince) that his teams are equipped with the resources and processes they need to efficiently and effectively complete assignments. Often those assignments impact highly sensitive projects for client applications in aerospace, space, infrastructure, cleanroom, apparel, and medical industries.
Though his time working for Fenner has been relatively short – less than a year – Vince has become a master at driving efficiencies. His prior experience in technical process engineering, operations management, back-end process engineering, and plant supervision was excellent preparation for the challenges his tackles in his current role.
Chief among those challenges are people, safety, and productivity. Vince understands the needs of his team are not cookie-cutter. To ensure an optimal work environment he stays attuned to specific needs – union, non-union, operations and staff workers alike. “You can invest tens of thousands in equipment and materials for your products and services,” says Vince “But, if you overlook your most important asset – the people – it’s like money down the drain."
Vince also prioritizes safety. He recently implemented standards that make the job safer for employees. Those standards address:
- Slips, trips, or falls – Fixing facility related cracks
- PPE – required personal protective equipment in specific areas in the facility
- Environmental Hazards
- Meeting implementation where safety is always topic #1
While all parts of the job are important, it’s the productivity piece of the puzzle Vince most enjoys about his work. It’s an opportunity to look at the big picture and seamlessly integrate efficiencies. He strives for it to be something that gets colleagues excited about and engaged with the work they do – all while moving the business forward.
To accomplish this, he follows the well-established “5S methodology” (sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain), which results in improved safety, reduced costs, increased production agility, and an enhanced image presented to customers, suppliers, and others. A recent 5S warehouse project he led not only improved the appearance of the facility, but it also enhanced the wellbeing and attitudes of employees.
Outside of work Vince makes time for fitness by running, lifting weights, and hiking. Spending time with friends, reading and listening to podcasts are among some of his other favorite pastimes.